Financial Planning Advice

Investment Planning

Our investment philosophy is that a broadly diversified investment portfolio leads to more resolute performance over time.

We follow a diligent process when selcting potential funds for clients' portfolios.

Using independent fund analysis, technology and specialist industry insight our in-house investment meetings regularly review the credentials of our chosen panel of investment funds.

We adhere to 5 Investment Principles:

  • Don't try to predict the future (trying to time markets rarely works).
  • Maintain good investment disciplines.
  • Diversification is key.
  • Costs are important but shouldn't rule an investment decision.
  • Risk and return are related.

Remember, your investment needs and attitude to risk will change over time, so you should review your investments at least once every 12 months.

The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.