Financial Planning Advice

Steve Hall
Director, Chartered MCSI & Chartered Insurance Practitioner

Steve has been serving his apprenticeship within the financial services industry since 1976. He has been advising clients for the majority of that time.

Having worked for companies like Guardian Royal Exchange and Save & Prosper, Steve joined Richard V Wallis in 1989. He was made director in 1991 before taking ownership of the company in 2003.

To distinguish from a former sister organisation Steve changed the company name to RVW WealthCare in 2014 when a change of premises brought us to Bradford Court.

Steve is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and a Chartered Insurance Practitioner. He is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and holds the Diploma in Financial Planning qualification. In addition he has obtained specialist qualifications in the areas of retirement planning, taxation, trusts and long term care.

Steve's diverse wealth of experience means he is ideally placed to guide both private and corporate clients towards their financial goals and protection needs.

Alongside his career Steve played 1st class Rugby Union before going on to coach players at Midlands Under 20 Divisional level. Apart from Rugby Union Steve is an ardent all-round sports fan.