Financial Planning Advice

Terms of Business

Your first meeting with us will be at our cost and without obligation. During the meeting we will discuss your finances in general terms and talk about what plans you have for the future. The meeting is intended to be relaxed and informal and will establish whether we can work together in helping you achieve your objectives.

Our fees then cover the three distinct areas of our advice process.

1. Initial Analysis & Planning Fee.

This covers the cost of our initial research and planning advice. It will be agreed with you prior to starting any work on your behalf. The fee is a one off fee that will be invoiced directly to you. The amount will depend on the complexity of your financial circumstances and the work carried out.

2. Implementation Fee.

If you ask us to implement our advice we will charge a fee to cover the cost of setting up any recommendation made to you. You can generally choose how this fee is paid, via a direct invoice or, where possible, facilitated through the product provider. Either way the level of our fee will remain the same.

3. Ongoing service Fee.

This fee covers the ongoing services and management of our advice to you. It will include our annual review meetings, administration and handling of the paperwork related to your account.

All fees will be discussed and agreed with you prior to us commencing work on your behalf. If you would like to discuss your curcumstances, or would like to request a copy of our client agreement document please contact us here.